leveringMatthew Levering, Ph.D., Distinguished Fellow of the Principium Institute, is James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology at Mundelein Seminary, and Co-Director of the Chicago Theological Initiative.  He is the author or editor of over thirty books, and the translator of Gilles Emery’s The Trinity.  Most recently he has published Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Love and Gift in the Trinity and the Church and Proofs of God: Classical Arguments from Tertullian to Barth. He co-edits two quarterly journals, Nova et Vetera and International Journal of Systematic Theology.  Since 2004, he has been a participant in Evangelicals and Catholics Together, and from 2007-2016 he served as Chair of the Board of the Academy of Catholic Theology.  He is a Distinguished Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.